World Veterinary Association Congress 2024: Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The World Veterinary Association Congress 2024 (WVAC2024) is poised to unite veterinarians from diverse disciplines under the theme of resilience amidst adversity, with the South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) playing a pivotal role in advocating for global collaboration and innovation in veterinary medicine.

WVAC2024 will serve as a beacon of resilience and innovation, providing a platform for veterinarians to confront the multifaceted challenges of the profession, encompassing animal health, welfare, and environmental sustainability. Amidst a rapidly changing world, this congress will highlight the critical role of veterinarians in safeguarding the well-being of animals, humans, and ecosystems.

Renowned speakers from around the world, including leaders such as:

  1. Andrii Klietsov – DVM, Head of NGO “SVBO”, Owner of Veterinary Clinics “VetDopomoga”, Sumy, Ukraine. 
  2. Nataliia Klietsova – PhD, Professor of International Relations, Senior Lecturer in HRM (SNAU), Ukraine.
  3. Prof. Michael Lappin – international speaker and specialist in infectious diseases from Colorado State University.
  4. Annemarie Hattingh – PhD, Associate Professor at University of Cape Town.

These esteemed speakers will offer diverse perspectives on resilience, drawing upon their expertise and experiences to inspire attendees. From addressing the unique challenges facing veterinary practice to exploring the intersection of international relations and veterinary medicine, their presentations will enrich participants with valuable insights and strategies.

Dr Paul van der Merwe, President of SAVA, underscores the importance of WVAC2024, stating, “As veterinarians, we are at the forefront of addressing global challenges, from emerging diseases to environmental degradation. However, being at the forefront comes at a cost as veterinarians across the globe experience major mental health challenges. SAVA is proud to support WVAC2024 in fostering resilience and innovation within the veterinary community, driving positive change for the mental health status of veterinarians to the benefit of society and the planet.”

WVAC2024 represents a testament to the resilience and dedication of veterinarians worldwide. Through collaboration, innovation, and shared expertise, veterinarians are poised to overcome adversity and shape a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

For more information, please visit the South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram page.     

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