Leading retailers taking local seriously

As a small business owner in the clothing, textile, footwear, or leather industry, have you ever dreamed of breaking into the big leagues and securing high-profile customers for your business?

The KZNCTC is a public-private sector partnership aimed at promoting South Africa’s competitiveness in the global clothing and textile sector. With the support of leading retailers like the Mr Price Group, Pepkor Speciality and Woolworths, the KZNCTC is committed to finding and developing the future local suppliers of the industry.

Facilitated by the KZNCTC and funded by eThekwini Municipality, the purpose of the Business Accelerator is to identify and connect high-potential, black-owned small businesses with large customers in their sector. “The goal is to give SMEs the chance to pitch their business to large customers, access new sales, financing opportunities, technical insight expertise and the support to scale their operations,” says Kyle Ballard, Head of Accelerators at the KZNCTC. “By fostering collaboration between SMEs and big businesses, the Accelerator helps bridge the gap between small and large players in the industry, and unleash the full potential of black-owned businesses,” he explains.

Leading retailers, Mr Price Group (including Mr Price Sport, Mr Price Apparel and Miladys), Pepkor Speciality and Woolworths are all on board to find and develop the future local suppliers of the clothing and textile industry. Catalyzing change within their supply chain, they’ve expressed specific interest in garment manufacturing specialists and SMEs whose unique sustainability offerings incorporate innovative packaging, logistics, and raw materials. To do so, they are working to identify high-potential future suppliers through initiatives such as the Business Accelerator, and empowering small to medium enterprises to improve their capacity, capability, compliance, and competitiveness.

Aligned with South Africa’s Retail-Clothing, Textile, Footwear and Leather (R-CTFL) Value Chain Masterplan to support and stimulate the industry, these leading retailers are working with local government to grow local manufacturing and employment to 65% by 2030.

“Local government and retailers play an important role in driving localisation and enabling transformation within the sector. Through the Accelerator, we empower black industrialists, create a more inclusive economy and provide market access for high potential SME suppliers in the region,” explains Ravesha Govender, Programme Manager of the Economic Development Unit at eThekwini Municipality.

Knowing that SMEs are the lifeblood of South Africa’s economy and that one of the greatest challenges they face is access to large customers and the right markets, the Accelerator connects them with big business to unlock mutually beneficial commercial opportunities. Providing support through mentorship from industry experts, skills and business case development, the Accelerator has already seen a number of success stories.

For example, Argento Trading, a black-owned and woman-led CMT production facility, was identified through the Accelerator in 2022 and has since landed the opportunity to supply Mr Price Sport with golf shirts. Over the last couple of months, Argento’s team has grown from 34 to 65 full-time employees, and they are in the process of expanding their current building.

KhanyiTex, a black-owned CMT manufacturer that joined the Accelerator in 2019 is yet another success story. Since then, they have seen a 700% increase in sales volumes and grown their staff complement from 30 to 338 employees.

So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, don’t miss this opportunity. Apply now: https://kznctc.org.za/kznctc-business-accelerator. Applications close 28 February 2023.

For more information, download the Accelerator info pack here: https://loom.ly/0OhSenA

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