The Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Infrastructure Development & Property Management has issued a resolute directive, demanding the immediate dismissal of underperforming contractors and project managers responsible for persistent delays in the completion of construction projects across the province.

This decisive stance follows an intensive oversight visit conducted yesterday by the Committee at the New Simunye Secondary School Project in Bekkersdal township, as well as other infrastructure development sites in the West Rand region.

The New Simunye Secondary School project, designed to be a fully equipped ICT Smart School accommodating 1200 learners, was handed over to the contractor on October 31, 2022, with a targeted completion date of October 20, 2023. However, the Committee observed during its site visit that the project is only approximately 50% complete, casting doubt on the contractor’s ability to meet the revised completion date of March 31, 2024.

This alarming situation deeply concerns the Committee, as it leaves children, who should be benefiting from this state-of-the-art educational facility, stranded and forced to endure long distance traveling to access education that should be readily available in their community.

Regrettably, this pattern of delays extends to numerous other projects across the province, where communities are left deprived of essential services such as schools and healthcare facilities due to project mismanagement and contractor inefficiencies.

These delays are often as a result of poor performance by contractors or project managers from the Department of Infrastructure Development & Property Management and little or no consequence management is taken against these contractors or project managers.

Given Gauteng’s status as the economic hub of the country and its rapid growth, there is an urgent need to deliver innovative and modern infrastructure that meets the demands of effective and efficient service delivery to its citizens. Delays in infrastructure delivery not only negatively impacts the province’s development but also hinder its economic growth.

The Committee therefore feels that those responsible for such delays should be removed from the system to make way for contractors and project managers who are determined and capable of delivering projects within budget and schedule.

The Committee remains committed to continue advocating for accountability and will raise its concerns with the MEC of the Department, urging for immediate and decisive action against those failing to fulfil their contractual obligations and jeopardizing service delivery in Gauteng.

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