Thungela hands over a newly built, fully furnished art studio to Dr Esther Mahlangu

Thungela hands over a newly built, fully furnished art studio to Dr Esther Mahlangu
Today, Thungela handed over a newly constructed art studio in the form of a modern hut, to Dr Esther
Mahlangu at her home in Mthambothini, KwaNdebele, Mpumalanga. Affectionately known as Gogo
Esther Mahlangu, the world-renowned icon has shared her bright and colourful patterns of the Ndebele
nation across the globe for years. Her work of art has travelled far, from the walls of her village to famous
galleries worldwide.
The art studio is a dedicated space where Gogo Esther can display her artistic legacy easily accessible
to the community. The presence of her work will inspire future generations of talented creatives in the
area. In addition, the art studio is a new addition to the tourism landscape of Mpumalanga, and it will
hopefully encourage local tour guides and stimulate the tourism economy.
July Ndlovu, Thungela CEO, acknowledged the significance of supporting Gogo Esther’s work, saying:
“As South Africa celebrates Heritage month, Thungela is honoured to contribute to the legacy of an
iconic figure whose work has put the Ndebele art on the global map. When the Mpumalanga
Government made a call for us to build a structure for Dr Mahlangu, we heeded the call and came
“This art studio will allow her to showcase her work to the local community and to tourists in this
province. Here at her home, many will cherish and celebrate this rich Ndebele cultural heritage through
her work.”
“Our involvement in this project stems from our deep-rooted presence in the Mpumalanga province,
where all our South African operations are situated. In addition, as a business we are committed to
respecting and preserving the culture, traditions, customs, and values of the communities where we
The opening of the art studio is a dream come true for Gogo Esther. She said, “This studio is not just
for me, but for the entire KwaNdebele nation. Today, I am filled with gratitude, and I want to thank
Thungela, the Mpumalanga government, our traditional leaders, and partners who were involved in
making this art studio possible. This art studio will help inspire local youth, and particularly those
interested in the arts. I also hope that tourists and visitors from other cultures will better appreciate our
rich Ndebele culture as they interact with my work when they visit the studio.”
Gogo Esther has already started the journey to educating local youth about art. She has founded the
Esther Mahlangu Art School in her village, dedicated to preserving and passing on traditional Ndebele
painting techniques to younger generations, ensuring that the art form remains vibrant and relevant for
years to come.
Thungela’s contribution to this initiative promotes the arts while supporting local entrepreneurship to
help create economic opportunities that will benefit the community for generations to come.

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