On 21 March 2024, the Acting Speaker received a Notice of Motion from the DA Chief Whip proposing the removal of the Speaker from office, citing various allegations of improper conduct. This proposal was made in accordance with Section 54(2) of the Constitution.
Section 54(2) of the Constitution states that the National Assembly may remove the Speaker or Deputy Speaker from office by resolution, with a majority of Assembly members present when the resolution is adopted.
This section is enacted through Rule 28 of the National Assembly Rules, which specifies that the House may remove the Speaker or Deputy Speaker from office by resolution, in accordance with Section 52(4) of the Constitution.
In line with the Rules of the Assembly, the Acting Speaker must give an approved motion under this rule due priority. Before scheduling it, he is also required to consult with the Chief Whip of the Majority Party as required by Rule 28(5).
A motion for the removal of the Speaker from office must comply, to the satisfaction of the Deputy Speaker, with the prescripts of any relevant law or rules and orders of the House, including directives and guidelines approved by the Rules Committee.
This motion must be placed on the Order Paper and must detail the grounds for the proposed removal.
The appropriate scheduling of this motion will be announced once the consultation with the Chief Whip of the Majority Party concludes.

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