The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) thanks the people of Kimberley, Northern
Cape, for hosting a successful and memorable 11th Anniversary Rally today at the AR
Abass Sports Ground. The revolutionary atmosphere was palpable as the grounds
were filled with resolute fighters, demonstrating no retreat and no surrender: the spirit
and energy that defines our movement.
The Commander-in-Chief (CIC), Julius Malema delivered a revolutionary speech. He
proclaimed how the EFF has shattered every obstacle and silenced every naysayer,
standing defiant after 11 years. CIC highlighted how the EFF has catapulted the land
issue to the forefront of national consciousness, led the battle against gender-based
violence, and stood as the unyielding vanguard for workers’ rights. He declared the
EFF as the ruthless force that holds the executive to account, fighting corruption and
He passionately addressed the dire issues plaguing the people of Kimberley and the
Northern Cape, highlighting the plight of a marginalised community abandoned by
their trusted leaders. The CIC delivered a scathing critique of the treachery of these
former liberators, who have now forged unholy alliances with white supremacists and
formed the oppressive government of national unity (GNU). In light of this, he called
upon everyone to arm themselves with determination, preparing to wage an even
fiercer battle for our ultimate economic liberation.
CIC retaliated that the EFF stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and the
Democratic Republic of Congo. The might of the CIC’s words cannot be overstated,
as they reignite the battle cry for all EFF members and supporters to intensify the war
in defence of the oppressed, and amplify the voices of the marginalised.
In true EFF style, the rally was celebratory as we danced to live performances from
South African talent that also reinforced the cultural richness and diversity that the
EFF champions.
This rally was a powerful testament to the fierce dedication of our fighters and
supporters. We thank all of you for being integral to our revolutionary movement and
propelling us through 11 years of radical, uncompromising existence. It is with pride
that we reflect on this event, knowing that together, we are fiercely advancing towards
another 11 years of economic freedom in our lifetime.

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