The thirdleague of the Nelson Mandela Bay Cross Country LegacySerieswill be heldon Saturday, at Varsvlei,in Bethelsdorp.

EP Athletics cross country commission chair, Zolani Mqoqi, applauded the clubs and schools who have supported the previous two league cross country events, withover 500 athletes participating at each event.

“We are looking forward to hosting the next two league events and witnessing keen athletes of all ages, 8 – 83 years of age, competing in events ranging from 1km to10km during a fun cross country experience.”

Mqoqi said that both league events will start at 09h00, League 3 would be held at 3 Varsvlei, 1 Barbina Road, Sanctor, in Bethelsdorp, with the final League 4 being held on the more challenging routes at St Albans Correctional Services next Saturday, on 13 July.

The local NMB Cross Country Series culminates at the exciting EPA Cross Country Championships which will be held at Nelson Mandela University on 3 August.

Bernard Petersen, speaking on behalf of Madibaz athletics club and Nelson Mandela University, the venue host of the EPA Championships, added his endorsement to the upcoming cross country events.

“Cross Country has proven itself over many years to be one of the disciplines that improve both road running and track and field performance, so an important part of an athletes training programme.

“As an institution we are looking forward to hosting the 2024 EPA Cross Country Champs, last year was a resounding success with over 3000 participants who despite the weather thoroughly enjoyed the event.

“We anticipate another great cross country championship event this year”.

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