my mam took my boy friend

He doesn’t treat me well; I think I have an abusive boyfriend. Although I have a hard time with how he acts, I have not been able to bring myself to leave him. The abuse is often name calling or telling me how worthless I am. One time, he told me nobody else would want me because I am damaged goods.” Adding a  pregnancy abusive boyfriend makes it especially hard.

I have heard this from clients, and I have even endured this myself. I remember those exact feelings. I felt as if I had done something wrong; and now i m four month pregnant

I remember it like it was yesterday. The day before I found out I was pregnant, my abusive boyfriend punched a me. His friends loved him, his co-workers loved him, my friends loved him.

eventually my abusive boyfriend moved from verbal abuse to physical abuse.Thando said that poster her pic with on watsapp statues and her said that is my daughter and now the boyfriend date Thando . s mother he started to abuse Thando

I visited a clinic that did pregnancy tests and ultrasounds very much like Alcove Health. I was young, scared, and felt very alone. I confided in the woman that gave me the results of my pregnancy test. She said one thing that I have carried with me for some few month he is was dating me now he dating my mother him and my mother they forced me to do the abortion they forced me to drink the pills

I stayed in the relationship with my abusive boyfriend far too long, but I am thankful that I slowed down and got the information that I needed about my pregnancy before making a lifelong decision.

It is not always easy to leave an abusive boyfriend; sometimes people make it seem as if a victim is exaggerating their situation because they have not left the abuser. There are many reasons why a victim may not leave their abusive boyfriend: financial, fear of consequences, and/or a lack of support. Whatever your situation is, there is help.

Your safety is first. Before you can make any decisions about the future of a pregnancy, it is vital that you get somewhere safe. If you are not in a safe place, please check these links for immediate help and longer-term help:

They offer housing and services for individuals, children, and families experiencing domestic violence. A team of trained professionals works with each client to provide individualized support and advocacy to break the cycle of abuse.

Here at Alcove Health, the safety of your living situation is important. It’s also important for you to have a safe place to process your pregnancy. We can help with that. With free services like pregnancy tests, ultrasoundsSTI testing, and options consultations, you can get accurate medical information and find a calm place to breathe and consider all your options.

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