Health Committee Calls for Comprehensive Report and Strengthened Complaint Systems Following Viral Patient Care Post

The Portfolio Committee on Health and Wellness, at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, led by Adv Ezra Letsoalo has taken note of the viral post on X (formerly Twitter) by Mr. Tom London, detailing his patient care experience at Helen Joseph Hospital. In response, the Committee has promptly engaged with the Department of Health and Wellness, seeking clarity on the allegations raised by Mr. London.

While social media can swiftly highlight public issues, such posts often lack the comprehensive context needed for well-informed conclusions. For this reason, the Committee has requested a thorough report from the department, enabling it to fulfill its oversight responsibilities effectively. It is important to note that the Committee has a track record of successfully addressing formally lodged complaints, with the department diligently following up through investigation and reporting.

The Committee acknowledges that the Department of Health and Wellness achieved an 84% score in the 2023/24 Patient Experience of Care (PEC) survey, surpassing the national target by 4%. However, concerns remain regarding the department’s turnaround times for resolving complaints and the measures being implemented to address the issues raised by the remaining 16% of respondents. These concerns will be carefully scrutinized upon receipt of the full report, alongside an assessment of initiatives like the “I Serve with a Smile” (ISWAS) campaign and the AIDET patient care model, both designed to improve patient experiences across healthcare facilities.

Additionally, the report will allow the Committee to assess the department’s formal presentations on maintenance plans for healthcare facilities, comparing them with both patient-reported experiences and the actual progress made on the ground.

The Committee urges the citizens of Gauteng to make use of the formal complaint mechanisms available at healthcare facilities. These channels allow for proper documentation, escalation, and resolution processes. By using these systems, citizens enable the Portfolio Committee to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of its oversight responsibilities, ensuring accountability is upheld.

Furthermore, the Committee calls on the department to strengthen its efforts in raising awareness about the formal complaints processes, ensuring that they are highly visible and easily accessible at all healthcare facilities.

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