Create, connect and elevate: advice for up-and-coming entrepreneurs in a digital world

Whether you’re a performer at heart, a creative with a penchant for photography, design and other art forms, or a social innovator and activist with ideas that could solve the world’s biggest problems, making your mark in the digital era looks a little different to what it did just a decade or so ago.

Cape Town born singer and star, Jimmy Nevis, is one of South Africa’s many celebrities who’s rise to fame was hard won. Not only did he face immense challenges in getting his career off the ground (despite incredible talent), in the years that followed the release of his first hit single, Elephant Shoes, Nevis faced an increasingly competitive local music scene, learning to embrace online platforms, resources and channels in particular that were at his disposal to break through the noise and build his brand.

“Getting noticed can be challenging, which is why it’s so important to make the most of the opportunities at your disposal. Take advantage of every possible avenue you can to build an audience and a career. With the internet and social media evolving all the time, connectivity becoming increasingly accessible and online resources at our fingertips, there are countless ways to build the brand you want to put out there,” he says.

Nevis joined forces with Vuma and the fibre provider’s initiative, My Community Connects, to help young up and comers realise their dreams by overcoming the challenges that prevent them from establishing their brands, growing their businesses and breaking into their desired industries. The local star offers his advice on how the next generation of success-seekers can make their dreams a reality.

First thing’s first

Start by understanding your offering and who you are. “There’s no point in trying to attract attention to what you do when you don’t know what it is that you’re trying to achieve or become,” says Nevis. “Ask yourself, what is my talent and skill? What do I bring to the table that’s unique and meaningful for myself, my community and the world? Then work on a plan to reach your goals, by researching  platforms that exist for you to advertise yourself and what you do.

“Vuma’s My Community Connects initiative is one great example that many young South Africans have already tapped into, where entrepreneurs, artists, photographers, social innovators and anyone with an idea or talent can sign up to help elevate their business. This initiative provides a life changing platform for talented South Africans.”

Get social

Make use of the social media channels you’re currently on and look into creating profiles for others – provided they work for you and your purposes. “TikTok isn’t for everyone,” adds Nevis. “And you certainly don’t have to be the next trending sensation to be a social media success. Take it slow, be authentic and focus on adding value.”

Spend time crafting carefully considered posts that speak to your followers and their needs on a human level. If you have a talent, share it here in your own unique and creative way – you can be fun and quirky, bold and opinionated – it all depends on the persona you want to put out there.

‘Connectworking’ is how entrepreneurs and industry professionals network in the digital age. Are people starting to engage with your content online more? Engage back – create interesting dialogue and pull people so they can get to know you better. You never know what opportunities can come from a simple, friendly conversation. Encourage people to connect with you, be helpful, offer content that’s valuable before you think about ‘selling’ a product or service, and be open to opportunities to collaborate with others.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the value of support and guidance from someone who has walked the path before you.

Mentorships involve engaging with an individual (it could be someone seasoned in their role within the industry or a person whose success speaks to the journey you’re on in some other way) to help you find your feet in your chosen field. They can provide insights into the unique challenges you will likely face and how to overcome them, as well as motivation to help you along when you feel like giving up. Attending industry events and ‘connectworking’ using online platforms can help you find and approach the right mentor for you.

Levelling up in whatever field you choose to pursue takes hard work and commitment, and in the digital age it’s crucial to take advantage of every opportunity available to you to help you along the way. That’s why I encourage all entrepreneurs, artists, photographers, social innovators and anyone with an idea or talent to sign up for My Community Connects.

To sign up for My Community Connects, please visit:

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