Cadre deployment documents show ANC’s abuse of country’s judiciary, says DA

The release of the African National Congress’ (ANC) cadre deployment records has revealed how the party used its powers to hold the country’s judiciary hostage, according to the official opposition.

The records were handed over to the Democratic Alliance (DA) on Monday, following a deadline set by the Constitutional Court. The DA had further threatened to take legal action if the ANC reneged on its

Some names have been redacted from the publicly released documents, which include CVs and ID numbers, due to the Protection of Personal Information Act.

The documents have further revealed how despite President Cyril Ramaphosa telling the Zondo Commission that the ANC cannot appoint judges, it still attempted to have a hand in the judiciary and the chief justice’s independence.

According to minutes of a meeting, the ANC speaks of a “dynamic link with Nadel“ – the National Association of Democratic Lawyers, a voluntary organisation of lawyers that looks at legal and judicial systems and access to justice for disadvantaged people.

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