Buthelezi is tipped to be a front-runner during Bestmed Tuks 21km

Philani Buthelezi is a man of few words, but then again, he does not have to say anything; he lets his legs do the talking.

That is why the 33-year-old Murray&Roberts athlete will be one the athletes to watch next Saturday (18 February) during the Bestmed Tuks 21m race.

Buthelezi’s “silent approach” has stood him in good stead over the last few years. He has been the South African 10 000 metres champion and won silver over 5000 metres at the national championships.

Currently, he has a best time of 29:23 over 10 kilometres, 1:02:25 over 21km and 2:13:15 in the marathon.

Buthelezi set his sights on running a 65-minute race. His coach, Lindsay Parry, confidently predicts that his protege can run faster times.

“Normally, Philani clocks about 67 minutes when racing a half marathon in Pretoria. It is because his only focus is to win. But there is more at stake because the Bestmed Tuks 21km doubles as the Gauteng North Championships. It is a given that some of South Africa’s best distance runners will compete. So Philani will have to be faster. I won’t be surprised if he dips under 64 minutes,” Parry explained.

The coach describes Buthelezi as softly spoken.

“But I have learned to listen when he talks because he has plenty of wisdom, a good sense of humour. If he’s talking about running, it’s often to warn you that you are about to see something good.”

According to Buthelezi, he has been running ever since he can remember.

“I think I am born to run. When I can’t run, it gets to me emotionally. I am at my happiest when logging kilometre after kilometre on the road. The goal is to do about 160 kilometres a week.”

Running enthusiasts of all experience levels can expect seamless registration online until February 12th and physical registrations leading up to race day on 18 February 2023. All are welcome to join this fun-filled family event. Athletes can enter the 21.1km half-marathon, the 10km or 5km races, or the 1km fun run/walk.

Distance options, entry fees and start times:

DistanceEntry feeStart time
1km fun run / walkR3008:00

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