ActionSA Condemns Corruption-Accused Zizi Kodwa’s Reported Return to Parliament as ANC MP

Charged with violating the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, the former minister finds himself in the dock at the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crime Court, facing charges stemming from evidence in the State of Capture Report, which accuses the former minister of accepting a bribe in exchange for influencing the awarding of government contracts.

Consequently, it is unthinkable that in any nation governed by the rule of law that an individual can simultaneously juggle courtroom appearances for breaking corruption laws while sitting in Parliament, shaping the country’s laws.

As we await with bated breath the announcement of President Ramaphosa’s cabinet, it is evident that yet another ‘new era’ promised in his inauguration speech is off to a rocky start, noting not just this matter but also the fact that the very MC of his inauguration, namely Nomvula Mokonyane, is herself implicated in the same State Capture Report for corruption.

Fundamentally, ActionSA believes that a corruption-free and prosperous South Africa is incompatible with the ANC, and any attempt to sell the half-baked renewal of the ANC by diluting their patronage through a so-called Government of National Unity is an affront to the intelligence of South Africans.

ActionSA calls on the ANC to, for once, act in the interest of the integrity of Parliament and remove him as a prospective MP, thereby ensuring that the former Minister has ample time for his court appearances and saving the South African taxpayer from the insult of footing the bill for such a tainted individual.

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