Tuks coach favours taking it one game at a time in the Varsity Football Tournament

One of the most iconic phrases in a Hollywood movie was undoubtedly when Arnold Schwarzenegger promised in Terminator, “I will be back”.

“I will be back” is certainly relevant tomorrow when Tuks take to the field to play VUT in the Varsity Football Tournament. It has been, giving or taking a few days, nearly 700 days since Tuks last played in the tournament.

Understandably, Tuks is out to prove something. The team’s coach, Nicholas Stothard, admits to it.

“There is a lot I can say as to why Tuks failed in 2022 to qualify for last year’s Varsity Tournament, but I will let it be. All I am prepared to say is that the ‘Boys’ took it hard. Not playing Varsity football last year was frustrating. The good thing was that it served as extra motivation for everyone. That hunger to succeed led to us winning the USSA Tournament in December last year.”

Being the USSA champions means Tuks will achieve a unique “Double” should they also win the Varsity Tournament. Stothard is, however, hesitant to think that far ahead.

“Our focus in this Varsity campaign will be one game at a time. VUT, notoriously, is a ball-playing team. The team’s strengths are their combinations and how they play – short passes. They might be an unknown entity this time as they go through a transition phase. That’s why we’re going into this game cautiously, ensuring that all facets of our play are covered. Not leaving any stone unturned.

“VUT is also a team with something to prove, having yet to play in a varsity tournament semi-final. To us, there is not something like an easy game. No matter how tough things get on the field, every game is a must-win game. No team is entitled to 3 points; you must go out there and perform to achieve that.”

When asked about Tuks’ game plan, Stothard said, ” I’m a firm believer that you can only really develop a philosophy or strategy based on your players.

“It is a given that we will need to be defensively sound because if you don’t concede, you can’t lose. However, we’ve got very attacking players. So we’ll be bold enough to unleash those, what I like to call ‘weapons’, on the opposition at the right times. Our strikers certainly can score goals, and the attacking midfielders support them. So, yeah, I think we can score goals all over the pitch. All in all, it’s it’s quite a well-balanced squad.”

As to who could be a player to watch for tomorrow, Stothard immediately mentions Tshepiso Mahlangu.

“Last year, he played for Northwest University. He should have been the Varsity Football Player of the Year, as he scored the most goals.”

Kickoff for tomorrow’s game at Tuks is 18:30.

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