The African Congress for Transformation (ACT) expresses gratitude to all South African residents who cast their votes in support of ACT during our first-ever elections. We appreciate your confidence in us as evidenced by your vote, which resulted in the acquisition of one seat in the Free State legislature. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that we are currently contesting the outcome of the elections. We firmly believe that both the voting process and the handling of the results were tampered with and undermined by the IEC in order to favour the ANC and the DA, respectively. It is important to note that ACT is the first political party to officially ring alarm bells about the presence of irregularities in the polls. Subsequently, more than 20 other parties have concurred with our assessment and have reported instances of irregularities, fraud, and rigging in the electoral process. We are committed to ensuring justice for our numerous voters, whom we estimate to be in the hundreds of thousands, and we will persist in our efforts until this goal is achieved. In order to achieve this objective, we are currently engaged in an internal consultative process as well as engaging with other relevant affected political parties to explore the possibility of initiating a legal action against the IEC.
The information presented by our members nationwide indicates significant irregularities, fraud, and manipulation that are sufficient to invalidate the results. We urge all voters, regardless of their support for ACT, to provide us with any evidence they possess that indicates electoral fraud and irregularities. The ACT is committed to ensuring that the IEC is held accountable and that the accurate results are declared. This can be accomplished through either a recount or a revote. We wish to reassure the South African population that our determination remains unwavering, and we will vigorously contest the outcome of the 2024 election while simultaneously making preparations for the 2026 local government elections. In light of this objective, we would like to express our
gratitude to all the volunteers and party representatives throughout the nation who diligently and painstakingly contributed to securing the triumph of the ACT. We would want to express our gratitude to them for the altruistic behaviour they demonstrated for the ACT party. The next 2026 local government elections are fewer than 24 months away. Let us commence immediately in making arrangements for those elections. Let us actively engage in communities, let us take the lead in community protests, and let us advocate for our communities during challenging periods. As the ACT party, we prioritise being a party that represents the interests and concerns of the people. This commitment should be evident in the communities where we reside.
In conclusion, Dr. Ace Magashule, the President-General of the party, and the National Executive Committee would like to extend their sincere appreciation to all our volunteers, voters, and supporters who have placed their trust in the ACT party, notwithstanding that fact that it is a new party.

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