I want to thank the good Lord for this privilege and honor. 100 Appearances for the National Team is not something many players get to do, but God has carried me up until this point and I know he will continue to do so until I hang up these boots and pursue other things in life. I want to thank my teammates and all of the staff I’ve worked with over the years, without all of you that have been a part of my journey none of this would of been possible. Lastly, I want to thank the people of South Africa for your love and support. As a young player when you first step on a football field, you dream of playing for your country, and when that dream becomes a reality you never know where football will end up taking you, but your goal is always to become a player that the people of South Africa can be proud of, and to help the national team achieve things they never have before.

To have been apart of this journey of development and growth in women’s football is something I will never forget, or take for granted. This team has forged a path for so many young girls with a dream. It’s molded me into the person and player I am today, and I hope for generations to come it will continue to do so.

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