CAF President Dr Patrice Motsepe arrives in Malabo for a working visit in Equatorial Guinea Today

The Confédération Africaine de Football (“CAF”) President, Dr Patrice Motsepe has arrived in Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea for a working visit in the county.

Dr Motsepe will meet Equatorial Guinea’s Head of State, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, this afternoon. Earlier today, the CAF President will meet with FEGUIFUT President, Mr Venancio Ndong together with other Football Stakeholders in the country.

On Monday, Dr Motsepe was in São Tomé and Príncipe where he held discussions with Head of State, President Carlos Vila Nova and the Sport Minister Eurídice Borges Semedo Medeiros.

The CAF President also spent time at the Headquarters of São Tomé and Príncipe Football Association where he held several meetings with Football Stakeholders including the President of the Federation, Domingos Monteiro Fernandes.soure caf web

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