Kirsten Kluyts was not raped, According to a medico-legal postmortem report completed three days after Johannesburg teacher Kirsten Kluyts’ death in Sandton’s George Lea Park. On Tuesday afternoon, the male, 21, who is accused of killing her and raping her, read a section of the report into the court record. Tuesday marked the third day of the accused’s testimony in relation to a bail request in the Alexandra Regional Court. No genital injuries, such as cuts or abrasions, were found on Kluyts’s body that would indicate a rape, according to a section of the 10-page autopsy report. The Varsity College student, 21, was given instructions by his legal representative to read aloud a section of this report. There were no obvious injuries noted on the external genitalia, labia, anus, perineal area and the vaginal canal. The autopsy further reveals Kluyts was more than three months pregnant and expecting a baby boy at the time of her death.

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