Tuks coach passionate about guiding cheerleading team to be the best

There is often that one moment that defines how one’s life plays out. For Motshabi Makgotlho, it happened when she watched “Bring it on – All or nothing”.

“Watching the energy with which the actors executed their cheerleading stunts got me ‘absolutely’ hooked. I wanted to do what they did or at least be on the sidelines when a cheerleading squad went through their routine. But I did not know of any cheerleading squads. Still, cheerleading remained in my subconscious as a bucket list dream, says Motshabi Makgotlho (Tuks Cheerleading head coach).

Under her guidance, the Tuks team finished third in the Varsity Cup Cheerleaders that Rock Competition.

At the time she watched the movie “Bring it on”, she was in primary school. It was only in her second year in high school, Makotlho fulfilled her dream of being in a cheerleading squad. 

“A circular was sent out saying that a cheerleading team was being formed and tryouts would be held soon. I didn’t think twice” about applying. Not to be dramatic, but it felt predestined and ordained by the ‘gods’. I went to the tryouts without prior knowledge of cheerleading other than my mental screenshots of ‘Bring It On’. It was a case of just jumping in. I got selected. I still have my acceptance letter. 

“Ever since 2013, I have been involved in cheerleading. A whole 10 years. I am still completely and utterly immersed in it, now more than ever. We like to joke around in the team that when cheerleading has you, it is like being caught by the ‘cheer bug’. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

The Tuks coach credits her physics teacher Melissa van der Westhuizen, as the one who changed her life. 

“Coach West, as we affectionately referred, is the one who taught me about hard work, grinding it out, discipline, and never giving up. She has definitely influenced the way I think as a coach.

“Becoming a coach was a natural, perhaps predestined progression of my sports journey. I started in the sport as a competing athlete. Then I was an athlete and coach simultaneously for a while. I started coaching in late 2017.

“It was ridiculously surreal when the athletes and people outside the team referred to me as ‘Coach’. I would giggle at it sometimes. It’s still a concept to get used to, but I am incredibly proud, honoured, and grateful for this position.”

Asked about her role as coach, Makgotlho said it is essential to continuously increase her knowledge and skills and guide her athletes to be their best.

“Actually, to me, coaching boils down to two words – ‘listening and passion’. I know it may be simplistic and even slightly cliché, but these have proven to be two of the most valuable tools and skills on my coaching journey. Everything I do as a coach starts with passion, which stems from my love of cheerleading.

“Listening is also essential. When I say listen, I don’t mean just standing there, letting people talk and letting that be the end of it. I mean actively engaging and being open to what people say, taking in what they say, then acting accordingly.

“If I can have one dream come true, it will be to guide Tuks’s team to be one of the best in South Africa.”

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