The Steven Sekano Foundation was founded on the belief that children – of all socioeconomic conditions, races, physical abilities, religions, national origins, gender identities and gender expressions, sexual orientations, and life circumstances – are exceptionally valuable members of our communities, and deserve the quality resources requisite to their healthy growth and development.Steven foudetion donated shoes to vranarable kids today at Libhulwane Primary school

Our organization thrives on the positive impact we create and deliver for the communities we serve.  From Steve, to his family, to our staff, we are committed to advancing diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion through our work, and will do so by:

  • fostering respectful inclusion of different perspectives and experiences, and embracing diversity while acting against hateful, bigoted, violent and harassing behaviors;
  • ensuring that our policies, practices, and programs consider and seek to address societal inequities that disadvantage children and families, including implementing programs that work towards equity and social justice;
  • seeking out and working with companies, organizations and individuals that actively engage in or sportively align with anti-racism work, and declining to work with entities that do not support efforts in diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion;
  • using our time and resources to assist under-served children in their health, personal development, education, and enjoyment of life; and
  • creating opportunities for and lifting up the voices and platforms of those traditionally underrepresented in all aspects of our work and mission.

We hope you’ll undertake these (and more!) goals in your own spheres of influence.  We’re all in this together.

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