Mindset Coach explains how the mindset mastery of starting over and building your emotional intelligence works

As one of South Africa’s leading mindset development experts, Jabu Zwane’s mindset coaching is helping people become their own problem solvers, learn how to fix problems even in the most critical conditions to know how to control their mindset to leverage on every situation. Learn how to overcome a victim mindset, learn how do you build yourself to become an entrepreneur instead of being a victim or beggar in the situation. He says Mindset Mastering is also understanding your own self sabotage tendencies, building your own strength to overcome your struggles and achieve your goals, being open to transformation, Learning to Accept and Ask for help when you need it.

Jabu Zwane is a Mindset Development Specialist who helps individuals, professionals, executives and organizations to build critical mindsets, vital for success in Leadership, Confidence, High-Performance, Effective Communication, Entrepreneurship, Relationship Management and Diversity Inclusion. As a Global Speaker, Executive Coach, Facilitator and Trainer, Mr. Zwane has done work for over 25 companies, in over 10 countries, 3 continents, including multi-nationals and institutions of higher learning.

Through his organization, The Mindset Development Institute, he coaches mindset mastery to help people understand the power of their mindset, to embrace challenges and learn from failures. Jabu has empathetic solutions for people struggling to negotiate or speak up or having difficulty in being heard. He says that even in relationships, in your personal life and professional life you need to learn how to build your voice and negotiate for yourself so the person/s receiving your message can hear and understand what you are trying to say.

“One of the most difficult sessions I’ve worked in is helping people learn how to start over. A lot of people do not have the mental capacity to start over when they are hit by trauma, this includes loss of a loved one, divorce, losing a job, financial loss and dealing with change in their health system or physical well-being.” Says Zwane.

The aim of mindset coaching sessions is to build emotional intelligence and mindset mastery techniques. He wants to help people create their own strategies for improving their emotional intelligence and building strong relationships with people in their circles. Help people practice active listening and empathetic communication. Help people Overcome challenges and embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

Jabu is currently writing a book on Mindset Mastery and Emotional Intelligence which will be released in July and August as part of his coaching sessions to help more people understand the techniques of mindset development. People can reach Jabu Zwane on all social media platforms (jabuzwanetalks) or look up his organization The Mindset Development Institute.

He is available to coach people anywhere in South Africa until mid-August where he will be touring different states in America with other mindset experts to train people the techniques of mindset mastery and emotional intelligence.

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