Message of Condolences on the passing of Dr Mbongeni Ngema by Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, Morakane

Today, the nation woke up to the sad news on the passing away of a

titan, a visionary artist and a compassionate soul, the legendary Dr.

Mbongeni Ngema, following a tragic car accident last night. His passing

leaves an immense void in our lives and in the world of the arts that he

illuminated with his exceptional talents.

The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture & Recreation has had

the pleasure and privilege to work with Dr. Ngema on several projects,

some of which he supported and graced with his attendance.

These included iShashalazi theatre festivals, (iShashalazi) Community

Theatre Awards; Motjeko Dance Festival, The Street Echoes Dance

Launch, and recently the Born Black with Music.

Ngema’s legacy is one of unwavering passion, resilience, and purpose.

He fearlessly used his artistic prowess to shine a spotlight on crucial

societal issues, advocating for justice, equality, and human dignity. His

commitment to storytelling as a means of societal transformation will

forever echo in our hearts and minds as demonstrated by SARAFINA.

SARAFINA! a powerful musical that premiered in 1987. Set in the 1976

Soweto uprising. The musical became a symbol of resistance against

apartheid, shedding light on the injustices faced by Black South

Africans. Its themes of activism, education, and resilience resonated

globally, leading to international acclaim and numerous adaptations.

As we grapple with the enormity of this loss, let us honour Dr. Mbongeni

Ngema’s life by embracing his ethos of courage and unwavering

commitment to using art as a force for positive change. His artistic

footprint serves as a reminder that each of us holds the power to

influence the world through our passions and convictions.

In this moment of collective grief, let us come together to celebrate the

indelible mark Mbongeni Ngema has left on the world. His legacy of

artistic brilliance and social consciousness will continue to inspire

generations to come.

While we mourn his physical absence, let us find solace in the wealth of

memories, teachings, and profound impact he has bestowed upon us.

Mbongeni Ngema’s spirit will forever reside in the hearts of those he

touched, guiding us as we navigate the path ahead.

Let us pledge to preserve his legacy by supporting the arts, advocating

for societal change, and nurturing the creative spirit that Mbongeni

Ngema so passionately exemplified.

Rest peacefully, Mbongeni Ngema. Your light will continue to shine

brightly through the enduring legacy you’ve left behind.

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