Good men rise

People gathered today in Mofolo Park in Soweto and released 500 balloons to mark and celebrate efforts men are putting in to become a better version of themselves, a version that promotes love, shows deep care and can be trusted. Men who qualify to be called good men. Most importantly, today’s symbolic gesture encourages other men to look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are men we can all look up to. The group was further supported by television crews and actors where a 1000 more balloons were released in Devland and Highlands North, Johannesburg, who pledged their support for the good men we can all look up to.  

The old saying, ‘Evil triumphs when good men do nothing’ may not hold true for long as men are stepping up to change their ways. If anything, St Valentine as it is celebrated today, serves as a reminder that we indeed have good men who are showing up and showering their loved ones with all sorts of gifts and spending quality time with them. But leading up to this day, some men were trying to escape to the men’s conference which we all hear about, but none can truly say they have attended. Well, not for long and it won’t be an escape!

Following the release of balloons today, the first real men’s virtual conference – The Good Men Conference is in the cards and scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 28 February 2023. Invitations for interested individuals can be obtained on social media platforms: Facebook: @TrustCondomsSA,

Instagram: @trustcondomsa and twitter: @TrustCondomsSA

The Good Men initiative, championed by Trust Condoms, is flipping the script on the vile labeling such as “trash”, “dogs”, “deadbeat” etc. that has dogged men in recent times which has put on the spotlight the question on whether men can be trusted.

“We really believe there are men who are doing their best. Anecdotal as it may seem to others, statics show that more men gift their partners with flowers, chocolates, perfumes and many other huge gestures that we have witnessed on social media,” says Ndinatsei Mumbengegwi, Global Brands Product Manager at Population Services International (PSI). Such efforts must be celebrated and encouraged but must be real and not superficial. We are throwing our weight behind this initiative to find men who can be trusted with that responsibility. Real men that we can look up to. If we don’t do that, certainly evil will triumph over good.”

Trust Condoms this Valentine’s Day is calling on all men to reaffirm their desire and commitment to being good men. Men that can be trusted and relied upon.

“If on Valentine’s Day men can show up in the best versions of themselves and give their partners the attention they so need, then what is stopping us from doing that every day and change the narrative,” says Kagiso Medupe of Brothers for life who was one of the men who released the balloons today. “Good Menare men who don’t need Valentine’s day to show up and to show love. Good men are men that understand that love is a verb. It is an act of care that goes beyond Valentine’s day.”

Adds Justice Mukheli of The Holding Space: “Sexual assaults and abuse, exposure to transmittable diseases and everything else that goes against being a good man must come to an end. We must be exemplary and encourage each other to leave the superficial and be real. To each man out there, the first man one should look up to, is the one on the mirror.”

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