Committee’s safe easter weekend wishes for gauteng residents & road users

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Community Safety would like to wish residents of Gauteng a safe and peaceful Easter Weekend as most will be engaged in various religious festivities, spending time with families and traveling from one destination to the other.

The Easter Weekend is largely characterized by church activities especially from the Christian Faith Based Community who will be observing this weekend to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as the Jewish Community who will be observing the Passover.

The Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish the Christian Faith Based Community and the Jewish Community a blessed and happy period as they embark in various activities of spiritual rejuvenation.

Though the Easter weekend is a period dedicated for religious activities, family and friends reunion as well as holidaymakers, often this period is marked by high motor vehicle accidents on our roads.

The Committee would like to urge all road users to exercise caution and make safety their main priority during this Easter Weekend and beyond.

The Committee further requests motorist to observe rules of the road during this period and ensure that they arrive alive to all their various destinations.

Law enforcement officers will be on high alert during this period and the Committee calls on residents of Gauteng and those who will be traveling in and out of the Province to work together with them to ensure the safety of all and the avoidance of road carnages.

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