The Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Community Safety has called for the speedy arrest of murderers responsible for the fatal shooting of anti-drug and anti-gangsterism activist, Mr Ayob Mungalee, in Eldorado Park on Sunday night.

A respected community leader, Mr Mungalee was known for his firm stance against drugs and gangsterism which continue to plague Eldorado Park. He was popular for working closely with Police and the community in fighting violence and crime in the area.

His death is a sad moment for Eldorado Park and marks a regress in strides made in fighting crime and the prevalence of drugs in the area. His untimely passing will leave a void for locals, and he will forever be remembered as an activist that bravely led the community in confronting those who terrorized Eldorado Park.

Furthermore, the Committee is shocked and concerned that the incident occurred barely two days after its oversight visit to the Eldorado Park Police Station. During the visit, it had met with the Station’s Management, Community Policing Forum members, Local Councilors and Community Representatives to devise a multipronged intervention strategy to fight the scourge of violence and crime in the area.

The Committee joins the many peace-loving residents of Gauteng in expressing heartfelt condolences to the Mungalee family, his friends and all of Eldorado Park. It further urges anyone with information that may assist in apprehending perpetrators to contact the Police.

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