Sports Law, Brand Management and Strategy Development take centre stage in Betway 12th Man Workshop 5

Participants of the Betway 12th Man Programme have gathered once again for another two days of learning and information exchange in Workshop 5 of the ongoing Betway 12th Man Programme currently underway for the next two days in Johannesburg.

Season 2 of the Betway 12th Man Programme has seen a total of 12 retired sport stars travelling a new and life-changing journey of re-inventing themselves through the uniquely designed programme by the globally acclaimed sports betting company.

Retired athletes from the fields of football, rugby, cricket, netball, boxing, canoeing and mixed-martial arts are nearing the conclusion of the uniquely designed programme that has so far resulted in them being empowered with various skills set – which include Marketing, Media, Strategy, Reputation Management as well as Financial Literacy.

Workshop 5 of the programme comes at the back of four highly informative Workshops overseen by various industry experts who continue to guide and mentor the retired heroes in their new journeys.

Speaking from the ongoing Workshop in Johannesburg, Betway 12th Man participant and former national team football player, Benson Mhlongo says the course instilled a new sense of self-belief and confidence in him that he is putting to use in his everyday life.

“As a footballer, we were taught the importance of being confident on the field of play but very little has been taught about the importance of confidence and self-belief in the outside world. Through the knowledge gained with the Betway 12th Man, I am becoming a better coach and all-round human being who is better skilled and equipped to confidently venture into other areas of sport that I had very little knowledge of”, said Mhlongo.

Echoing Mhlongo’s words was former South African Netball national team player, Phumza Maweni, who went on to encourage retired sports stars to take up such opportunities.

“Life as a retired athlete can be quite depressing if you are not well prepared for it, which unfortunately is the case with most retired athletes. It is therefore important for us to be involved in such programmes to not only be able to give back to the sport in different capacities, but also equip us to continue making a living in beyond our playing days. I really urge all retired athletes to look into such programmes that have changed our lives like the Betway 12th Man” said Maweni.

Workshop 5 of the Betway 12th Man programme will have a special focus on modules such as Brand Management, Sports Law as well as Strategy Development.

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