Emotions, gratification, cheers and tears were the order of the day among both parents and athletes at the ceremony to send-off the Italy bound group of young sports stars ahead of the Tri-Colour Games starting in little over a week from 24 to 30 July 2023.

The auspicious sendoff was held at the Brixton Multipurpose Centre, outside the Johannesburg City Centre, where the 132 athletes aged 16 and under descended with their families. Some made it more special and brought their grandparents to bless and witness what they believed was the beginning of new fortunes for the legacy of their family future generations.

The diverse team is made up of athletes from totally different backgrounds, some who have never been to the airport let alone inside a plane or been to another country.  

It was also a moment to be proud of for many who likewise came to witness including the former High Commissioner to the UK and Ireland Nomathemba Tambo, who is the daughter of the late OR Tambo. She expressed how proud she was to see young people benefiting from the sacrifices of those that fought for freedom and called upon the athletes to rise to the occasion.

“You’re witnesses of successful interactions, intervention and support from people who have strived on your behalf to get you to sit here, respect and honour them” asserted Ms Tambo.

Others who gave their message of support include Vivian Lottering, the President of Gauteng Sports Confederation; Maurizio Mariana who is a South African of Italian origin; Elsie Muthambi from Sleepwear; Racky Govender from Bosch Car Services.  Yaseen Lombard from Gauteng Sports Council will be head of mission (Chef de Mission) for the team.

In his message, Lombard assured parents of the safety and care of the athletes but also called on the team to outdo the 2018 team who were exceptional. They won gold in rugby; Silver in girls’ football and were overall winners (gold) in swimming. 

In his message, Acting Head of Department for Sport, Arts Culture and Recreation, China Mashinini told the athletes to “never be afraid to showcase their tenacity and resistance on the field but also remain humble and always in good behavior off the field”.

According to him, “the value and return on investment of the whole exercise will be realized when the athletes bring back medals but most importantly when they grow up to be better people for themselves, the country and the world”.

Over 2000 athletes from over 25 countries including the host Italy, will compete in 40 sporting codes. Team Gauteng will only compete in Basketball; Athletics; Swimming; Rugby; Football and Chess. The Team will be flying out next week Saturday, 22 July 2023 through the OR Tambo International Airport. 

Including athletes, technical and support stuff, the entourage will include a musical dance group to cheer the team on, members of the media and the Gauteng Film Commission who will document the experience.

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