From Tragedy to Triumph

Youth Day commemorates the Soweto Uprising in 1976, a reminder of the courageous scholars who fought for freedom and equality. What better way to honour their memory than to inspire South Africans with moving accounts of today’s brave youngsters, individuals who have triumphed over personal adversity to make a brighter future for themselves and others.

One such story is that of Smangele Chiyi.

Growing up in KwaZulu Natal, Smangele eagerly seized every opportunity life presented. At school, she was actively involved in drama and sports, including athletics and netball. She strived to be a great role model for others but more than anything, she wanted to make her family proud.

“My life suddenly changed forever in December 2017 when I visited my family in Johannesburg,” Smangele shares. “I went to a shop and was caught up in a robbery by four armed men. I remember hearing gunshots and falling to the floor covered in blood.”

Smangele’s injuries were severe; she fought for her life in intensive care for two weeks. She pulled through but was paralysed from the waist down and when she was finally discharged from hospital, she faced the daunting task of rebuilding her life.

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