Charma Gal Biography: The Real OG of Botswana’s Music Industry

Image of Charma Gal smiling

Not every musician is able to get onto the music scene and remain relevant for years on end. Charma Gal however has stood the test of time. The Mosakaso singer broke into the music industry in 2005 and is still one of the most successful Motswana artists to date. She has a wide following in Botswana and beyond. The award-winning singer is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

Here’s a look at her bio

Also read – Reasons We’ll Never Stop Obsessing Over Charma Gal

Charma Gal Name

A stage name can say a lot about an artist. Just like many other artists in the music industry, she chose a name that would best describe her – Charma Gal. She has been charming masses with her captivating sound since entering the music industry. Her real name is Magdeline Lesolobe.

Charma Gal Age

Charma Gal is 36 years old. She was born on 11 November 1984. She comes from Lerala village, Botswana. The village is located at the south-eastern end of the Tswapong Hills. It is 30 km from the Limpopo River.  

Charma Gal Husband

Charma gal was married to Kabelo Mogwe who is also called Leshman. They got married on December 3 2011. Her former husband is also a musician. He was the frontman of the Maskandi group called Culture Spears.

The two, alongside their friends Thembeni Ramosetheng and Angeline Mogwatheng formed the group in 2004 in Kazungula. They recorded the group’s first album in Zimbabwe. 

After the group split, Charma Gal and Kabelo concentrated on their solo careers. In 2018, however, the two shared a short video of them doing a song together, Kulanche , on YouTubeThe song received a lot of love on social media and many of their friends asked them to reconcile. 

In an interview with The Voice BW, Kabelo said: “Honestly Charma is back with the group but we just have to work around the logistics so that we don’t confuse people on the two brands, being Charma Gal the solo artist and her with the Group.” 

Just like most of their fans, we also can’t wait for the two to work together and release great music like they used to. 

Charma Gal Divorce

Charma Gal and Kabelo divorced after being married for only three years.  Rumour has it that the divorce was as a result of Kabelo accusing Charma Gal of infidelity. In an affidavit that Charma Gal presented at the court during her divorce proceeding, she blamed Kabelo of being verbally abusive. 

Charma Gal Miscarriage

Charma Gal reportedly suffered three miscarriages during the time that she was married to former husband Kabello. This was revealed in an affidavit that she presented at the court during her divorce proceedings. 

Charma Gal Children

Charma Gal has two boys. Her first born son, George, was born in 2003 September. The star gave birth to another baby boy in 2016. The boy’s name is Thandolwane. The father of the baby is businessman Resego Matenge.

Also read – Charma Gal prepares to tell all

Charma Gal Suicide

Charma Gal attempted to commit suicide during the time she was married to Kabelo. According to The Voice BW, the award-winning singer tried to overdose on pills. This is allegedly due to the stress that she suffered in the marriage.

Charma Gal Music Groups

Charma girl is the founder of Maskandi group Culture Spears. The group has won several awards.  

She was also a part of another group called Eke Ntolo. The group has released seven albums.

Charma Gal Collaborations

Charma gal was featured on Master Kg’s single ‘Nsalelel le ngwana’ in 2018.

She was also featured by MMP on a song called Chooseday.

Another prominent artist that Charma Gal has collaborated with is Zimbabwean singer Oliver Tuku Mtukudzi. Charma also worked with Jah Prayzah on a single, Dali Wangu

Charma Gal Albums

Charma Gal has eight albums. She released “Lekgamu La Bananyana” in November 2018. The album was released through her own company – Charma Gal Productions.

Her latest album is called Personal Code and was released in 2019.

Charma Gal Awards

Charma Gal has won several awards.  In 2015 she walked away with four Botswana Musicians Union awards. She also won song of the year, Sekuta sa ga Charma Gal.

Charma Gal Controversy

Rumour has it that Charma Gal was dating Zimbabwean artist Jah Prayzah. 

This is allegedly the reason why Charma Gal broke up with her business ex-boyfriend Resego Matenge. Resego and Charma Gal dated for three years. Apparently the two started their relationship before Charma Gal and her ex-husband’s divorce was finalised. 

The relationship between Charma Gal and Resego went sour when Resego accused Charma Gal of dating Jah Prayzah. He even kicked Charma Gal out of his house in Phakalane. 

“It is true I asked her to leave my house, we are no longer together. I want to focus on building my business and raising our two-year-old boy, Thandolwane. Anything that has to do with Charma Gal is no longer my business,” Resego told The Voice. 

Charma gal and baby daddy Resego were involved in a custody battle over their child Thandolwane In 2018. According to  The Voice, Charma Gal was accused of being an irresponsible parent, who didn’t even want to contribute to paying for the child’s education.

Charma Gal’s ex-boyfriend Resego was granted primary custody of the child whilst the singer was given visitation rights.

Charma Gal Charity

Last year during Covid, Charma Gal teamed up with multi-award winning musician Vee Mampeezy to battle each other out on stage. They used their influence to host an event where they performed their music as form of battle against each other. The event was called “Battle to Develop Artists Welfare” and was created to raise money to help other artists that were struggling to earn a living during the pandemic. The event was sponsored by FnB and other potential sponsors were invited to donate money. 

Charma Gal is definitely on the path to success and there’s no stopping her. He ability to  work and support other artists in Botswana is what makes her so popular

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