The Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition concluded its oversight visits to Gauteng and Limpopo this week.  
On Tuesday, the committee visited the Beit Bridge Border Post to engage with the South African Revenue Service’s Customs Border Operations on its contribution to trade facilitation and curbing illicit trade.
Committee Chairperson Ms Judy Hermans noted that the Customs Border Operations had made significant progress in improving the customs procedures at land borders to support the country’s economic objectives. She also welcomed the efforts to raise the profile of customs officers and the success rate of the Illicit Trade Unit and the National Rapid Response Team in combating illicit trade. The shift from merely charging penalties to bringing cases for criminal prosecution is expected to change behaviours and promote voluntary compliance.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the committee visited the Nkowakowa Industrial Park near Tzaneen and Seshego Industrial Parks near Polokwane.
The Committee engaged the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism and the Limpopo Economic Development Agency on progress made at both facilities, which received funding through the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition’s Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme. There was general concern about the sustainability of the parks due to the impact of load shedding and issues with water supply.
The committee concluded its oversight visit at the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) on Friday. The Chairperson welcomed the improvement in transparency by the new NLC board and leadership and the mechanisms that were being introduced to prevent the maladministration and corruption that was rife in the NLC. 
Furthermore, the committee had made two unannounced visits to NLC projects. The committee was concerned about what would happen to incomplete capital projects currently under investigation. It urged the NLC to resolve these matters as far as possible.

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