Unlocking Digital Skills for Youth Empowerment and Income Generation

On July 15, the world commemorates World Youth Skills Day.  In today’s digital age, equipping young people with the necessary skills is essential for their future success. By learning and honing digital skills, the youth can not only enhance their employability, but also explore entrepreneurial opportunities to generate income, without the need to be hired fulltime by someone. From content creation and coding to AI-chatbot optimisation, there are various avenues for young individuals to explore their talents and thrive. Thanks to fibre connectivity and high-speed internet access, young people can find employment opportunities anywhere in the world outside of the traditional job market and even create employment for others.

Content Creation: Empowering Youth Creativity

Content creation has become a thriving industry in the digital world. There is a rising need for interesting and captivating content as a result of increased social media usage, particularly online platforms like TikTok. Young people can harness their creativity and storytelling abilities to create written, visual, or audio content that resonates with their audience. By mastering skills in writing, photography, videography, or graphic design, they can establish themselves as influencers, bloggers, or freelancers, generating income through sponsored content, brand collaborations, or selling their own products or services.

In today’s world, building trust has become crucial for brands, whether it’s a personal brand or a corporate brand. The way we tell our stories plays a pivotal role in establishing a successful brand. By effectively conveying our values, mission, and unique offerings through eye-catching content, brands can connect with their target audience on a deeper level and foster long-lasting relationships. It is through these stories that brands can authentically communicate their purpose and build the trust necessary to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Coding: Building a Foundation for Digital Success

According to Mathilda Robertson, Brand Manager at Vuma, coding has become an essential skill in today’s technology-driven world. Initiatives like GirlCode can open doors to a world of career opportunities. By partnering with GirlCode, we aim to create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry, where women have equal opportunities and representation. Whether they aspire to become software developers, web designers, or app creators, coding skills can provide a solid foundation for any digital career. Additionally, coding skills enable young people to adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape and explore entrepreneurship by developing innovative digital solutions. Coding languages can be difficult to understand, but for dedicated individuals who are willing to put in the time and effort, there are a variety of platforms, such as CodeSpaceWeThinkCode and HyperionDev to name a few. These platforms offer comprehensive courses and tutorials that cater to different skill levels, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace.

ChatGPT Optimisation: Navigating the World of AI

With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, understanding and optimising AI systems like ChatGPT can be a valuable skill for the youth. AI like ChatGPT, can be leveraged for a range of applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and content generation. By learning how to optimise these tools for specific tasks, young people can offer AI-driven services to businesses, automate customer interactions, or create personalised user experiences. In the ever-changing digital world, AI has become a valuable tool offering numerous opportunities to enhance and elevate individuals in their careers. Rather than replacing jobs, AI technologies have the potential to augment human capabilities, improve productivity, and streamline processes across various industries.

My Community Connects: Elevating Businesses and Connecting Talent

Platforms like My Community Connects (MCC) by Vuma play a crucial role in empowering entrepreneurs, artists, photographers, social innovators, and talented individuals by providing a centralised hub for information and opportunities. MCC connects talented individuals with potential clients, collaborators, or employers, allowing them to showcase their skills and elevate their businesses and turning their talents into income. By signing up to platforms like MCC, young individuals gain access to a pool of resources, networking opportunities, and potential income-generating prospects.

Robertson emphasises the importance of platforms like My Community Connects in bridging the gap between talent and businesses, enabling them to collaborate and achieve mutual success, by making use of fibre internet as a way to also find these opportunities.

“By nurturing the tech skills of young individuals, not only do we contribute to a flourishing economy, but empower individuals to become future leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship,” she concludes.

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