The monthly income of South Africa’s leading mathematics professor surprises everyone

Anyone in South Africa can earn milions of dollars from home using this method. So, is it legal?

Published: 2023 July 12 | Category: News, Advertorial, Fi

Jeffery Thompson, a professor of mathematics and computer science at the University Of South Africa, explained how he together with his team developed an algorithm that let’s everyone earn money automatically by trading cryptocurrencies.

During a visit on national TV channel last week, Prof. Jeffery Thompson shown the method he developed, which can make anyone into a millionaire in 1 – 2 months. Professor urged everyone to take advantage of this incredible opportunity, before banks try to stop using this method.

And sure enough, minutes after the interview was over, Absa Group Bank called to stop Jeffery’s interview from being aired. Fortunately for you and I, it was already too late, and Jeffery’s tip was public news.

Here’s what happened:

Prof. Jeffery Thompson is an ordinary professor of mathematics and computer science at the University Of South Africa, where he works mainly with probability theories and their development in computer softwares.

As a result of his numerous experiments, he has found an excellent algorithm that helps anyone to make money. This algorithm works automatically and transfers the earned money to the user’s account without requiring the user’s actual attention. This algorithm is based on two main pieces of information. The first is the analysis of hundreds of gigabytes of data that reveals the optimal timing strategy for buying cryptocurrencies. The second is the rate of change in the value of the cryptocurrency to enter the market and make a profit. These processes do not require the user’s personal participation. Profit Edge does all the job for you, it’s a new algorithm, that has never been used anywhere in the world before. In other words, it’s the most efficient algorithm in the world.

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