As South Africans celebrate Heritage Day, as we have celebrated the heritage day in SA we have shown our different cultures and different foods of our nation in that day National Seminary, Pretoria, reflects on the significance of the day.

“24th September each year, South Africans celebrate the best of their Cultural diversity, it is that time of the year when a nation that has been devastated by differences is united and rejuvenated by the same differences of identity and outlook.  This day is special because it communicates a message of the beauty and necessity of diversity.  For a long time, this diversity seemed almost like a curse, and today, its truth as a gift is shining out so beautifully,” said Fr. Thabiso.

Fr. Thabiso emphasised that Heritage Day reminds all South Africans of the cultural beauty that resides in all of South Africa.

“We are celebrating the heritage of Culture in South Africa. The Oxford dictionary traces the etymology of Culture back to the Latin word cultura meaning to grow, to cultivate.  The word agriculture is a familiar term (thanks to the whole conscious effort of producing that which would nourish and sustain life).  When we speak of Cultural Heritage, therefore, we evoke that whole tradition of pursuits of sorts that tends towards growth, progress, advancement, civilisation, enlightenment, development,” said Fr. Thabiso.

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